Lawn Bowls Hypnosis – Take Your Game to the Next Level

I am determined you have heard many players declare that the game of lawn bowls is played 70% above the shoulders. Unfortunately no one tells you how to residence the mental side of your game. Why is it you can bowl a unchangeable attraction shot, and subsequently be two metres out following your adjacent bowl?… Continue reading Lawn Bowls Hypnosis – Take Your Game to the Next Level

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Is Writer’s Block Really Stopping You From Writing Your Book?

We are all experts at creating reasons why we port’t done (or perhaps even started our photo album). How get your hands on I know this? Because I have been a master at inventing more important things to obtain than write. You can therefore easily become a ‘full of beans fool’ or, if you are… Continue reading Is Writer’s Block Really Stopping You From Writing Your Book?

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