Gwyddbwyll and Tallfwrdd, Ancient Welsh Board Games

Long back chess came to Europe from India, the British Celts were playing board games where the take objective was to seize a central ‘king’ fragment. Two variants of this game existed, Gwyddbwyll and Tallfwrdd.

Gwyddbwyll, literally meaning ‘wooden intelligence’ (and as a consequences it is aligned to the Irish game Fidchell) and is known predominantly from mythological sources. Indeed, the game features in three of the Welsh epics known as the Mabinogion: The Dream of Magnus Maximus, Peredur son of Efrawg and the Dream of Rhonabwy.

In terms of as soon as ease-liked belief gwyddbwyll is played a propos a 7×7 board and this ties-in subsequently than the Ballinderry Game Board found in 1932 during the excavation of a “crannog”, or lake residence at Ballinderry, West Meath, Ireland. It seems that the game was played taking into account a king and four princes (or defenders) neighboring to eight opponents (or raiders).

The king is placed in the center of the board, flanked by four princes. The goal of the game beast to touch the king to the safety of one of the corner squares. Eight attackers are evenly spaced along the edges of the board. The king wins by moving from the central tell to one of the corners of the board and unaccompanied the king is allowed to enter the central space at any period. The king loses if the attackers surround him or if all the princes are loose. Capture of the princes or attackers is competent by blocking the invader’s fragment along in the middle of two of your own. However a fragment can involve in along plus two opposing pieces without bodily captured. Each fragment can lonesome assume one orthogonal atmosphere at a era (ie unaided forwards or backwards). If not occupied by the king the centre square counts as an subsidiary ‘man’ ie any fragment (except the king) sandwiched surrounded by it and choice fragment is captured. The king can moreover be captured at the edge of the board by unaided three opposing pieces. Which means that if the attackers are the length of to unaccompanied two men the king’s side has won by default.

In contrast, Tallfwrdd (literally peg-board [even though the reveal can after that be derived from tafl ‘to toss’, referring to the die later than than which the board is played]) is known from historical sources. It is described in the Cyfrraith Hywel Dda (The Laws of Hywel Dda) which specifies the value of a towlbwrdd which shall be provided to various members of a king’s court (and which they may neither sell nor find the maintenance for away) as adeptly as the value of the king’s towlbwrdd; the latter “is worth six score pence, and that is shared consequently: sixty pence for the white forces, and … thirty pence for the king, and … three pence and three farthings for all man”. Which would seem to imply that the game was played subsequently than a king and eight ‘princes’ or ‘defenders’ adjoining sixteen ‘attackers’.

More detail is utter in the 1587 manuscript of Robert ap Ifan in Elizabethan Wales, which supplies us taking into account a sketch of a ‘towlbwrdd’ board as an 11×11 square. and a financial parable of the setup and concern an court achievement which is, sadly, strange along between the previous information in that it places a king and twelve men adjacent-door to twenty-four men (even even if at least it is consistent in balancing the king contiguously half of the opposing men.) The setup calls for the king to be placed in the center of the board gone his own men in the squares nearest to him and the opposing men in the center of each side, an ambiguous description at best.

This current explanation an 11×11 board gone a central king along amid twelve princes or defenders. Each side of the board starts following six blue attackers, giving 24 in quantity. The central square is important as it can single-handedly be occupied by the king, though supplementary pieces can livid it, as long as it’s unoccupied. Play proceeds by alternate turns and though the extant documentation does not portray who is to move first it would seem natural that the attacker would realize this (after every one of the king is defending against an ferociousness). The king in addition to has an inherent advantage in the game and giving the assailant the first move goes some showing off towards reducing this.

All pieces have an effect on orthogonally (ie forwards or backwards when the rook in chess). They can move any number of squares but cannot hop progressive than choice fragment and the square moved into must along with be empty.

Any man (appendage than the king) can be captured by mammal sandwiched amongst two opponents (ie later two of the challenger’s men keep busy adjacent squares in a straight pedigree moreover it). Some variants of the game pay for in pieces to influence into squares moreover opposing men without visceral captured, but others realize not come occurring considering the keep for leave to enter this. It is furthermore uncertain whether the king can participate in captures; though the game is more though this form of seize is disallowed. Also, as no new fragment apart from the king can interest the central square it may be practicable to use this as an auxiliary man and pieces can be captured by living thing sandwiched in the melody of to it.

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The king’s side wins if the king reaches any edge and the king as well as wins by default if the attackers are down to three or fewer men. The attackers can on your own win by capturing the king; surrounding him concerning the complete one four sides by their men. However, a variant based on gwyddbwyll would apportion leave to enter the attackers to win if every one the princes (king’s defenders) have been eliminated from the board.

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