More questions to spellcaster Maxim #5

More questions to spellcaster Maxim


– What’s the difference between white and black magic spells? Does it matter what makes a person love? If love results from an incantation, it’s not real, right? If so, is there a point choosing between black and white magic wizards, and black and white magic spells?

– The difference is huge, at least because love created by me and trained sorcerers like me is real. My black magic colleagues create not love but addiction, similar to gambling or drug addiction.

When I take on a project, my goal is to remove negative energy from my client. Believe it or not, if our reality was free of destructive energy, people would always love and be loved just as much. You would never have to look for a perfect partner because every human being would be a perfect partner for you. But that’s not the case and this is where I and other occult experts step in.

Let’s assume I’m contacted by a lady who says her biggest dream is to be with a specific man. The man doesn’t love her and needs my help to fall in love with her. His mind and soul are hostages to false beliefs. He’s convinced that:

– He needs a woman with certain looks;

– He needs a woman with certain manners;

– He needs a woman with a certain social status;

– He needs a woman everyone would be jealous of;

– He’s worried a relationship will affect his career;

– He’s afraid of a serious relationship;

– He’s convinced women want to be with him because of his money.

When I use white magic for love, I remove all these beliefs from the target’s head. As a result, he no longer sees my client as a threat or just another girl who’s not good enough for him. He sees her inner beauty, falls in love with her imperfect looks, moves, with her smile and voice. He thinks she’s perfect and everything about her is perfect. This is the definition of true love. Some say love is blind, but I disagree. Love is what opens your eyes and lets you see the world for what it is.

– But a person can’t stay in this state forever…

– Of course, he can’t. So I warn my clients that my spells have an expiration date. Usually it’s a few years. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be the end of your relationship. You can order another love spell anytime and things will get back to normal. A few years later the love spell will start fading again and I again will re-cast it. This is how I can give my clients strong relationships that last for as long as they want them to.

I’d like to add that you can speed up the end of your relationship with your actions. It happens when you radiate negative energy with your anger, jealousy, selfishness, high demands, and constant complaints. Your negative energy surrounds your significant other like a cocoon which eventually prevents him from seeing your inner beauty and your goodness. On the other hand, if you truly love and care for your loved one, if you support him and show him your affection every time he needs it, you radiate positive energy which strengthens the love he has for you in his heart.


White love spells


White love spells– Is this why there is no point casting white love spells without proper training?

– I’ve repeatedly told my readers on my Spellcaster Maxim website that the decision to cast or not to cast a white love spell should be made based on the strength of one’s feelings for the target. If your love is pure and strong, then you’re sending your energy with sparks of love at this person simply by thinking about him. A simple white magic love incantation will make the sparks bigger, triggering a magical effect on him. The stronger your love, the stronger the love spell. So it’s okay to try. Worst-case scenario, your ritual will show you what you really feel for the target and how well you can control your energy.

– Can you recommend some basic love spell any reader could cast as soon as they finish reading this article?

– No problem. Take a printed photo of the person you love. If you don’t have one, find it on social media, save it on your device (your smartphone or tablet), open it, sit in your favorite chair, look your loved one in the eyes, and start telling him about your feelings. Tell him what you remember about the day you first met, tell him how much you miss him. Share your dreams with him. I know people who got a phone call or a text from the target while performing this simple ritual! Moreover, a few times the target showed up to say hi to the person casting this spell. It’s like the spell drew them like a magnet to the spell caster.


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