Love spell using picture
“Who can cast this love spell? Do I have to be an artist to cast it? And how important are my drawing skills if I want to practice magic?”
“I, spellcaster Maxim, am pleased to inform you that you don’t have to be an artist to cast a good love spell using picture. For this spell to work, you need to have basic drawing skills. It’s enough to just draw a circle with two dots as the head and two straight lines as the legs and two lines as the arms.
It’s not your talent for drawing that enables you to influence reality. It’s your love. Your love is what fuels your ritual. It’s your spell’s driving force. Your patience is what builds the way to your goal. Without love, your spell will prove powerless. It’s pointless to perform love magic at home if you don’t love. If you don’t love, the primary material for your spell – the energy to build the matrix of his love for you – is missing.
If you doubt that you’re worthy of his love or consider yourself a poor match for the person you love, you’ll fail. Doubt takes your power away. Casting a spell having no faith in yourself is like shooting arrows from a bow with a loose bow string. The arrow will fly a couple of meters and fall on the ground without ever reaching the target.
Patience is important because your spell needs some time to kick in. Imagine you put a seed into the ground hoping to grow a beautiful flower. You plough through the soil, add some fertilizer, and water it. In other words, you perform a proper ritual. Then you go to bed. The next morning you wake up hoping to see a flower but you don’t. There is no green stem sprouting up above the soil. The right decision would be to continue watering your seed and wait. The wrong decision would be digging the seed out every five minutes to see if there are any roots growing from it into the soil. The right decision would be giving it sunlight. The wrong decision would be putting a bunch of hot lamps around it that will burn the flower. Another wrong decision would be trying to open up the flower bud instead of waiting for it to bloom naturally.
So as long as you believe you have the right to love and be loved, if your love is strong and you’re ready to wait for as long as it takes your spell to influence your beloved, the fact that you can’t draw well is irrelevant.”