What are the significant types of anxiety disorders?

There are various types of anxiety or anxiety disorders, as per anxiety coach UK. Listed below are a few of the more common varieties, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

If someone has GAD, they’ll likely experience excessive worry that’s difficult to manage. This type of worry often triggers rumination or spending a lot of time overthinking or mulling over multiple events in the future — how they may come out and how the person may deal with them.

It’s not unique to have symptoms and not be able to explain why. For folks with GAD, symptoms like those listed above are present most of the time and for at least the past six months.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

A person suffering from OCD has thoughts that are difficult to control. They may find themselves repeating actions again and again.

If someone has OCD, they might be extremely concerned about germs or having things in order. They may worry about feelings of aggression that they have toward others or that someone feels toward them.

They may also find it hard to manage thoughts of taboo subjects, such as sex, religion, or violence. Few folks repeatedly do an action, like checking a locked door or counting things.

A doctor might diagnose OCD if someone:

  • spends an hour or more each day having these thoughts or carrying out these types of actions
  • the concerned thoughts and actions bring no pleasure
  • the thoughts and actions have a significant impact on their daily life

Panic disorder

Panic disorder is characterized by repeated, unexpected panic attacks. They mostly happen without warning and result in physical symptoms like:

  • chest pain
  • shallow breathing
  • sweating
  • shaking
  • dizziness
  • Symptoms sometimes also involve feeling dissociated from reality or having a sense of impending doom.

Generally, a panic attack lasts less than 20 minutes.

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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Folks with PTSD experience anxiety related to a traumatic experience that has occurred in the past. It is a long-term condition that can make symptoms arise for many years after the event, especially when not treated.

Symptoms of PTSD usually start within the first three months of the incident. In some cases, they don’t surface until months or years later.

If someone has PTSD, they may experience the following:

  • flashbacks
  • bad dreams
  • frightening thoughts
  • feelings of tension and anxiety
  • trouble sleeping
  • anger for no apparent reason

Some folks change their routine to avoid triggers that remind them of the event.

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)

A social anxiety disorder also referred to as social phobia, is a fear of embarrassment, humiliation, or criticism in a public environment like school or work.

The person may have trouble talking with people or being in a large group. It’s common to avoid the places and situations that trigger this phobia.


Phobias and specific phobias include an irrational, overwhelming, and excessive fear of a place, situation, or object. Some of the common types of phobias include:

  • acrophobia (fear of heights)
  • claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces)
  • aerophobia (fear of flying)
  • hemophobia (fear of blood)
  • trypanophobia (fear of needles)
  • aquaphobia or hydrophobia (fear of water)