Follow these simple steps for a photo love spell #32 #10

Follow these simple steps for a photo love spell

First, ensure you get a recent photo of your beloved, a coin, a long red thread, and a red piece of cloth. Once you have all these, prepare yourself for the ritual to read your energies.

Place the coin on top of the photo, wrap it with the red cloth and wind the thread around the red piece of fabric. Now have the bundle in a hidden place so that no one can find and tamper with it.  You also have to recite this spell while winding the thread around the red piece of cloth while your beloved is on your mind.

“It isn’t the thread that I’m winding; it’s love, so he misses me and thinks about me day and night, in the moonlight and sunlight. As God’s servant (your name) can’t live or be without his shadow, so can’t he live and enjoy life without me (your name). Walk-walk, stumbling, suffocating with love for me. As the Sun floats across the Sky, so walks (his name) to me (your name). The thread ate into the bundle; love and longing came. My word is a lock!”

Here come your second obsession spells with pictures! With a recent photo of your beloved, take off your shoes and place the image under your left heel. Subsequently, recite the following words twelve solid times.

“As your face is under my heel, so are you, God’s servant (his name), under me. With me, you’ll dance; without me, end as cry, without me-It’s saltbush, with me-it’s sweets and honey. Without me-it’s headaches, and the eyes don’t see the light, while with me- the Sun’s shining, so being with me is better. Don’t leave me, ever.”

For the case of a lover who starts losing interest in you, you may opt for love spells using pictures and candles. This voodoo love picture spell will reignite the spark that was fading in your relationship and get you back on track. All it needs is for you to wait until midnight. You will need to have a red candle, your beloved’s picture, a white piece of paper, and a red pen. Place your beloved’s picture in front of you. Put a red candle behind the photo and light it.

This red candle should be the sole source of light in the room. Get a white piece of paper and express down these exact words of the spell using a red pen.

“Sadness, go to my lover (his name). Go inside his head, so all he could think was me (your name), hugging me, kissing me, and loving me. My words are strong and sticky.”

Afterward, ensure you burn the paper down using the red candle fire. The smoke should cover the picture when you burn it under the photo. While the smoke has covered the photograph, you need to recite these exact words,

“The blood’s boiling, unable to keep still. Whatever goes over the head comes into the head. When the fire appears behind the back-the heart of God’s servant (his name) excites.”

Look no further for your reliable voodoo love spells using pictures. They are mostly done when the moon is waxing. Some exception times are when on the full moon or the waning moon. This exceptions are dependent and vary with your goals, in this case, for vengeance.  It would be best if you had a chest-revealing photo of your beloved, a red pen, a red piece of cloth, and a red threaded needle. Take a recent photo of your beloved exposing his chest, write your name both at the back, and then have your beloved’s name just beneath yours. If your intentions are pure, face down the photo and make stitches on the chest area with a red thread. Remember to recite these exact words;

“As the thread goes after the needle, so does God’s servant (his name) after me (your name).” Ensure that your last stitch ends up where you began stitching and the needle pointing to you. This will leave the end of the thread hanging down the back of the photo. Use the hanging end to make a triple knot and drop some wax on it, reciting, “So be it!”

When the candle has burnt down to completion, wrap the photo in a red cloth and hide it in a secret place to avoid tampering with it.

Binding spells with pictures

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