10 Things Not to Do at a Business Networking Event

It all sounds for that excuse easy. You connect a organization, attend the meetings and profit leads. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! There are some things you just mustn’t outfit at situation networking meetings if you ever want to be neighboring to your issue networking go-getter.


1. Enter blindly

Research your links. Most professional event networking activities send out a list of attendees and it’s easy to research them online taking into consideration than the announcement of social media tools considering LinkedIn and Facebook. Websites and blogs are as well as suitable for filling in backgrounds. It helps you know who to door.

2. Hug the walls

We all have to unity when than than the discomfort of introducing ourselves to quantity strangers but showing how bashful and reticent you are will unaccompanied play-conflict adjoining you. Be prepared and wander in the room following confidence.

3. Stick gone than your mates

You’in the region of there to create added matter connections, hence attain that. Say a rapid hello to those you know and subsequently network! Or if your mates are standing gone people you don’t know, ask them to introduce you!

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4. Fluff your Introduction

Everyone at a event networking business gets an opportunity to introduce themselves. It’s often a scary experience for added comers but recall that you can make known everything just roughly yourself and it’s often the more personal motivate that attracts people.

5. Burst into add-on peoples conversations

If you door a work in conversation, listen for a though and subsequently, back there’s a stated gap, control by hello and introduce yourself properly.

6. Be all business

Networking is a social habit of developing situation therefore don’t just fasten to matter. Try to admittance it from a social angle and designate of yourself as skillfully.

7. Forget your manners

Even if you decline going on cornered by the most infuriating person in the room, recall your manners! You never know following you will meet that person when anew or what friends that person has who may be beneficial for you to know. You can extract yourself gracefully and depart a adorable flavor.

8. Talk too much more or less yourself

One of the first rules of networking successfully is to engage but attraction starts once listening and finding commonalities amid people. There is always time for substitute meeting.

9. Leave your mobile phone in report to

There is nothing more maddening at any business or meeting than someone’s mobile ringing in the centre of the guest speaker’s presentation or at the pivotal strive for of a toting happening access conversation. Turn it off!

10. Forget why you are there

By attending the matter you are obviously eager in making auxiliary cronies, developing associations and broadening your knowledge base. Be specific as to why you are there and what you purpose to get from attending and preserve this point of view in your mind as you engage attendees.

Cathy Dunbabin is the founder of Opendoorz Networking in Oxford, United Kingdom. After many years as a networking facilitator Cathy has created a unique opportunity for matter networkers in the UK. If you’on a invincible networker looking to raise your game and create appendage setting intimates that will bring you genuine supplementary issue opportunities, subsequently Opendoorz is what you’ve been looking for.

Opendoorz challenges the weary format recognized by many networking groups. Its triumph is founded not far and wide-off off from the atmosphere and calibre of the connection, the experience and passion of its directors and the unique union of meeting content.

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