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Find some answers at MobileHomeRepairTips.com to your common mobile home related questions, that will ensure that your house lasts a long time. We at HobbyFAQs.com want to help you find the right hobby for you and your loved ones to help to enrich your lives. https://mobilehomerepairtips.com/

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Sasquatch screams shatter sleepy mountain valley in NZ

Did a number of Bigfoot / Moheau’s pay me a visit on Aril 16, 2022? On that full moon night I captured these powerful prolonged howls that reverberated around the wild mountain valley in West Auckland New Zealand. From these short sound bytes you can hear a little of what transpired. Parked on the side of a quiet, winding mountain road. I captured a number of disembodied voices talking to me, movement in bush, snaps, stone clacking sounds etc. I am a Fortean style researcher who engages the unexplained. I have gotten several reports of encounters near this area from shocked witnesses. I have experienced various phenomena out here myself previous to this. Maori legends talk of these half man, giants. Some doubt Sasquatch exists or is even in New Zealand, does this audio footage proof them wrong? There are no tracks around this particular area & the mountain area is dense & dangerous. The howls, screams & voices went on for hours and were there when I arrived. Most of the footage is audio based. I used professional wildlife mics shielded from EMF and RF. These are only edited time-wise and for volume. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1WvstLl6lo


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